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A Book That Won’t Leave You Unchanged
St. Ignatius of Loyola, the 16th century founder of the Jesuits, taught that to experience the transforming power of Scripture, we need to read it “with all five senses,” using our imagination to get on the inside of the characters and story we’re reading about. A just-released book by Frank Viola and MaryDeMuth entitled “The Day I Met Jesus” is a powerful demonstration of this truth. By activating our imagination, Frank and Mary help us get on the inside of the experience of five women who encountered Jesus in the Gospels. And by doing this so effectively, the book helps readers experience for themselves the same transforming love and grace that these women experienced. It is a moving experience, and you won’t put this book down unchanged.
To find out more, click here.
Greg Boyd
Category: General
Tags: Books, Frank Viola, Imagination, Jesus, Mary DeMuth, The Day I Met Jesus
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