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Lighten Up: If Every Life is Sacred

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The “Checkmate Atheists” meme was actually started by atheists to make fun of some of the sillier arguments christians use to prove that there’s a God. But come on, this is funny.

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How often do you think God drags you? We suspect, out of love, he does this quite a bit.

Will Violence against ISIS Root Out Evil?

Image by arbyreed via Flickr Fallen humans tend to identify their own group as righteous and any group that opposes them as evil. If they were not evil, we tend to believe, no conflict would exist. Hence, the only way to end the conflict is to rid the world of this evil. This is the age-old “myth…

Lighten Up: Um…

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The Principle of Non-Violence

Several years ago, Woodland Hills Church hosted a Q&A with Greg Boyd and Paul Eddy to answer questions that arose from their exploration of Anabaptism. In this short clip, they address the Anabaptist principle of non-violence, and point out that this principle goes far beyond refraining from external violence. The call to non-violence is grounded in our…

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Image Credit: RadioFreeBabylon.com