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theology nerd

Lighten Up: Are You a Theology Nerd?

Are you a theology nerd? Click here, and if you find yourself nodding your head a lot, you probably are. And that’s OK.

Image via Adam Ford

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Lighten Up: Use Your Freedom For Good

Source: xkcd

Lighten Up: Meet Rollins

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  I just got the pre-release copy of Understanding Spiritual Warfare: Four Views, edited by my friends James Beilby and Paul Eddy (IVP, 2012). The introduction alone is worth the price of the book!  It is the clearest, most comprehensive, yet most succinct overview of the concept of spiritual warfare throughout church history that I’ve ever…

Friday Lights: Jesus Isn’t Always the Answer

Each Friday we post content sent to us by our readers that is inspiring, funny, lighthearted or just generally fun. If you’d like more information on submitting content for this feature you can get more information here. The reader who directed us to the Redeeming God piece we highlighted today wished to remain anonymous. Hey Anonymous: thanks anyway! (You know who…

Lighten Up: Love Your Enemies

Image from Manna and Mercy by Daniel Erlander  

Lighten Up: Theology

I stole this from a reader’s Facebook page. (Thanks Kevin.) It’s good to remember that we don’t really have it all figured out.