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theology nerd

Lighten Up: Are You a Theology Nerd?

Are you a theology nerd? Click here, and if you find yourself nodding your head a lot, you probably are. And that’s OK.

Image via Adam Ford

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Lighten Up: Bruxy Bloopers

https://youtu.be/pwV4WTR0nWw We love it when preachers have a well-developed sense of their own silliness.

If the violent depictions of God in the Bible are not completely accurate, isn’t all of Scripture up for debate?

Question: I’m very intrigued by your cruciform hermeneutics and can’t wait for your book (Crucifixion of the Warrior God) to come out. But I have to say that it strikes me as dangerous. You’re basically saying that the violent portraits of God in the OT are not completely accurate. But doesn’t this place us flawed…

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How should Christians respond to Near Death Experiences?

In a recent Q and A session about the book of Revelation, Greg Boyd and Paul Eddy answer a question on How Christians should respond to claims of Near Death Experiences. You can view the entire Q and A HERE.

We Won’t Treat Your Questions This Way

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