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Lighten Up: Head and Heart

Related Reading

Lighten Up: What Are You Most Grateful For?

Taking time for gratitude is good for your soul. Try it!  

Lighten Up: MEology

It might be a red flag if you’re only interested in theology that serves your interests.

Lighten Up: Jesus VS The World


Was Jesus Abandoned by the Father on the Cross?

As Jesus hung on the cross, he cried, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (Mt 27:46). This is the cry of our God who stooped to the furthest possible depths to experience his own antithesis, as the all-holy God becomes the sin of the world (2 Cor 5:21) and the perfectly united God becomes the curse of…

The Greatest Mystery of the Christian Faith

God has always been willing to stoop to accommodate the fallen state of his covenant people in order to remain in a transforming relationship with them and in order to continue to further his sovereign purposes through them. Out of love for humankind, Scripture tells us, Jesus emptied himself of his divine prerogatives, set aside…

Lighten Up: Listening for the Voice of the Father

Christian comedian Michael Jr. posted this video last week for Father’s Day. What it says about love and connection and God in just a few minutes is so lovely. Enjoy.