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Lighten Up: Lucky Cat

935083_10151465241096534_857511773_nWe saw this over at The American Jesus blog and just had to share.

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Related Reading

Lighten Up: Street Compliments

When was the last time you paid a sincere compliment? It’s magical.

Lighten Up: Theology

I stole this from a reader’s Facebook page. (Thanks Kevin.) It’s good to remember that we don’t really have it all figured out.

Lighten Up: Existential French Cat

Greg used to be into the existentialists quite a bit. Sartre and Camus would love this cat. (Thanks to Rachel Held Evans for the heads-up.)

Lighten Up: Jesus Clears the Temple

Lighten Up: When he thinks no one will see it…

I guess Greg’s editor doesn’t follow his instructions very well.  :) Greg is a great theologian and apologist but he’s not the most brilliant when it comes to technology.

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We should dance more.