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Lighten Up: When he thinks no one will see it…

Lighten Up: When he thinks no one will see it…

I guess Greg’s editor doesn’t follow his instructions very well.  :) Greg is a great theologian and apologist but he’s not the most brilliant when it comes to technology.

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Friday Lights: Jesus Isn’t Always the Answer

Each Friday we post content sent to us by our readers that is inspiring, funny, lighthearted or just generally fun. If you’d like more information on submitting content for this feature you can get more information here. The reader who directed us to the Redeeming God piece we highlighted today wished to remain anonymous. Hey Anonymous: thanks anyway! (You know who…

Lighten Up: Random Acts of Kindness

Greg Shares His Journey and Some Challenges Ahead

http://youtu.be/YdZKPG20kmQ Last September, Greg was asked to give the opening address at the Missio Alliance event Church & Post-Christian Culture: Christian Witness in the Way of Jesus. You can find more information here. Special thanks to our very own Stephen Konsor for his role in filming and editing this and other sessions. Enjoy!

Manifesto Poster

If you’re a fan of ReKnew, I hope you’ve had the chance to take a look at the ReKnew Manifesto. It’s a 9-point treatise summing up all the big, radical ideas that Greg has been advocating for years, and for which we fellow Jesus-followers stand. Today we are thrilled to announce a fresh, inspiring rendition that we…

Confessions of a Christian Nation (Racism)

In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Greg Boyd, Brian McLaren and Brian Zahnd apologize to the African American community for the church’s complicity in the oppression of African Americans throughout American history. Video by Rex Harsin

Video Q&A: Is Christmas a Pagan Holiday?

Greg discusses the origins of our celebration of Christmas and whether Christians should celebrate it given its pagan origins. Plus, he gives us some interesting new lyrics to the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” Have fun!