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Authentic Theology

Authentic Theology

So much theology does not do justice to the reality of the world. Any theology that’s going to claim to be authentic must be done on the edge of a mass grave of gassed children. If we can’t state our theology there, then it’s useless. We must never block out the pain of this world. We must let it on the inside of our skin. In this video interview, Greg shares how honestly facing the specific evil of the Nazi extermination camps impacted his theology.

For more videos like this visit The Work of the People.

Related Reading

Is Having the “Right” Theology the Core of Christianity?

Last week, we posted a piece by Greg that challenges the practice being violent “in the name of Jesus” toward others who err theologically. (Click here to read this post.) Being that this piece got a lot of attention, we thought it worthwhile to provide some further explication to this point, especially in the light…

Arbitrary Election

Micah J. Murray wrote a blog entitled Five Reasons I Reject Unconditional Election, which was a response to John Piper’s recent arguments for embracing unconditional election. If you’re looking for Scripture-based argumentation, you would do well to look elsewhere (as Micah freely suggests) but if you’re looking for the deep down, intuitive and honest gut stuff,…

The End and Beginning of Faith

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Lighten Up: God’s Goofy Sense of Humor

A Calvinist and an Arminian walk into a bar…

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Book Review: Understanding Spiritual Warfare: Four Views

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