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Divine Drama

Jeff K. Clark posted last week on God as Master Story-Teller and Finding Our Place Within the Divine Drama. There’s an enormous difference between talking about God using abstractions versus locating him in the stories he has chosen to inhabit. God comes to us not only in the history of his interactions with his people, but in our day-to-day stories as God breaks in to make himself known. How will your life become God-talk to the world around you?

From the post:

Church becomes a place of stories and story telling, and truth is conveyed not as general ideas, but living realities. Here God-talk shifts from discussing abstract theories related to the Divine and into real-life drama that sees God as the One who is intimately involved in the story. God’s story becomes our story and our role is to tell our story within God’s story. Meaningless, unstoried God-talk is replaced with meaningful, storied God-talk and life is finally fused into the drama where God is the Master storyteller and we as actors in the play of the ages.

Find your place. Take a seat. Tell your story.

Image by pedro veneroso. Sourced via Flickr.

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