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More Pics of the ReKnew Team

Here’s a couple more pics of the ReKnew team from our Retreat.




Related Reading

One Word

While I’ve lately been pretty distracted finishing up Benefit of the Doubt (Baker, 2013), my goal is to sprinkle in posts that comment on the distinctive commitments of ReKnew a couple of times a week. I’m presently sharing some thoughts on the second conviction of ReKnew, which is that Jesus Christ is the full and…

Welcome to the New ReKnew!

Say hello to the new and much-improved ReKnew website! Not only have we upgraded the look, feel, and functionality of our site (e.g. our new search engine frankly rocks!), we’ve added – and will continue to add – new content. For example, because I am frequently asked what books I’d recommend on various topics, I…

Sermon Clip: Twisted Scripture-Romans 10

For many Christians, salvation has been reduced to a one-time prayer where one mentally and verbally agrees to a few key theological beliefs. The Bible and Jesus’ life, however, present us with a more holistic salvation that involves wholeness, new life, and transformation. Instead of viewing salvation as a legal contract, we are invited to…

Reflections on the Supremacy of Christ (Part 1)

In my previous post I argued that the Bible tells a story in which the culminating event – the coming of Christ – reframes everything that preceded it. Though it is all inspired, not everything in it should carry equal weight for us. Rather, everything leading up to Christ, including the portraits of God, must…

What Does God Look Like?

Thomas Hawk via Compfight Our good friend Jessica Kelley wrote this blog featuring sermons from Mark Moore about what God is really like. It’s a timely piece since Jessica is going to be preaching at Woodland Hills Church this weekend, and Mark Moore is attending the upcoming ReKnew conference and will be hosting a get-together with…

A ReKnew Website Primer

In many ways, the ReKnew website has become something like an introductory systematic theology resource centered around the beautiful God we find in Jesus. It is a resource that helps us rethink twelve core theological convictions. ReKnew invites you to: ReThink the Source of Life ReThink the Nature of Faith ReThink Our Picture of God…