We run our website the way we wished the whole internet worked: we provide high quality original content with no ads. We are funded solely by your direct support. Please consider supporting this project.

fundraiser graphic

Fundraiser Update

THANK YOU SO MUCH to those of you who have contributed to this ministry. This is such a great start and we’re feeling very grateful! Here’s where we’re at today:

  • 56 monthly supporters
  • $4810 in one-time gifts
  • $2185 monthly budget


We’re keeping this fundraiser going through the end of the year and we’re hoping to reach our goal of $10,000/month by then. We’re dreaming big dreams and we think God is dreaming them with us. We’ll give you an update periodically so that you can celebrate with us.

We are hoping that we can begin hiring folks to do some work on organizing the site so that the information is easier to find and things can be much more interactive. We’d also like to have funds to get research projects up and running and hire someone to run the ministry overall. We have the Open Theism conference coming in April (more on that soon!) and we’d like to host more of these in the future.

Also, we just hired a printer to produce the ReKnew poster and we’re really excited about that. Those of you who have committed to a monthly donation of $25 will be receiving yours in the next few weeks.

If this ministry has been a blessing to you and if you’d like to see it go to the next level, we hope you’ll consider partnering with us with a monthly donation. You can access our support page here. And as always, your gifts are tax deductible.

Viva la Revolution!

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