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snoopy theology

Lighten Up: Theology

I stole this from a reader’s Facebook page. (Thanks Kevin.) It’s good to remember that we don’t really have it all figured out.

Related Reading

How To Talk about Theology

Social media is full of theological debate. Theological arguments that formerly took months or even years to get in print, now only takes the time to write a post or 140 characters and click “publish.” Social media is great in that it makes space for all of our voices. However, it also seems to elevate…

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Might as well confess.

Lighten Up: Taking Love for Granted

No worries.

When the Bible Isn’t Clear

Mark Grapengater via Compfight Roger Olson wrote a post today entitled How to Solve a Theological Dilemma when Scripture Doesn’t Clearly Solve It: An Exercise in Theological Method. The title itself is provocative and problematic if you’re a fundamentalist, so Roger spends some time dealing with the mindset of fundamentalism. This is a really valuable read if…

Lighten Up: Believing in Believing

OK, we don’t really think this is the difference between theology and philosophy, but how does this guy not get that not believing in believing is, itself, a belief? 

Lighten Up: My Favorite!

He always gives the best gifts.