Friendly Disagreements
Thinking Theologically
Category: General
Tags: Cruciform Theology, Friendly Disagreements, Heresy
In a previous post, I challenged the common notion that the Scripture is the foundation or the center of our faith. Instead, it’s my conviction that the only place to begin is Jesus Christ. Paul…

An Update and an Opportunity
Category: General
Tags: Frank Viola, Friendly Disagreements, Kingdom Revolution, Leaders
Thomas Hawk via Compfight All around the globe we are witnessing more and more people catching the vision of a God and a kingdom that look like the crucified Christ. One of the goals of…

Responding to Critics of a Pacifist View of the Syrian Crisis-Part 2
Category: Essays
Tags: Aric Clark, Current Events, Essay, Friendly Disagreements, Government, Kingdom Living, Non-Violence, Peace, War
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
United Nations Photo via Compfight Yesterday I posted a response to Tyler Tully’s criticism of some of my thoughts on the Syrian crisis. The second blog I’d like to review is Two Friars and a…

Responding to Critics On A Pacifist View of the Syrian Crisis
Category: Essays
Tags: Current Events, Essay, Friendly Disagreements, Non-Violence, Pacifism, Politics, Tyler Tully, Wrath
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
On September 3rd, I wrote a post entitled What I – a Pacifist – Would Say to Obama About the Syrian Crisis in response to a number of questions I was getting, and judging from the…
Lighten Up: Underestimated
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Debate, Frank Viola, Friendly Disagreements, Humor, Lighten Up, Open Theism
Frank Viola is at it again. He seems pretty confident that when he and I debate the Open Future this fall that he’ll smear me. That’s his prediction, anyway. The think is, I’ve been underestimated…
Lighten Up: I’m Not Worried Frank
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Debate, Frank Viola, Friendly Disagreements, Humor, Lighten Up, Open Theism Well, my dear friend Frank Viola has been spouting off again about how my “logic will be shredded, excoriated, and turned into confetti before a watching world” when we host our debate on Open…