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Greg’s Interview on The Christian Transhumanist Podcast

Here is an interview I did for The Christian Transhumanist Podcast that I wanted to share with all of you. Micah Redding and I discuss everything from Relativity Theory to Politics. I think you’ll find it interesting, but I want to offer a word of clarification before you listen.

At one point in this interview I share my personal conviction against voting. I believe followers of Jesus are called to place all their hope in Christ and his kingdom, and I personally found over the years that I could not participate in the voting process without placing some amount of hope in the political candidate/party I was voting for. I therefore made a commitment many years ago to abstain. Yet, I must confess that I voted in this last election. Before you shout “Hypocrite!” let me explain.

After wrestling with my conscience for some time, I came to see (a while after this interview) that my motive for feeling the need to vote in this particular election had nothing to do with placing hope in a political candidate or party. Rather, as hopeless as both candidates seemed to me, one candidate frankly struck me as dangerous to certain vulnerable groups of people and, quite frankly, to the world. (That, of course, is just my personal opinion, and I sincerely hope that I’m wrong.) I happen to live in a country that asks my opinion every four years about which candidate I think should head up this country, and it seemed to me that responding to this invitation to prevent a perceived danger is quite different than responding to express a hope. And so I voted.

Having hopefully cleared that matter up, I hope you enjoy the interview!

Greg Boyd

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