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Podcast: Some Thoughts on Charlottesville

Greg discusses Charlottesville. 


Send Questions To:

Dan: @thatdankent
Email: askgregboyd@gmail.com
Twitter: @reKnewOrg

Greg’s new book: Inspired Imperfection
Dan’s new book: Confident Humility




Related Reading

Racism: Why Whites have Trouble “Getting It”

I’m a member of a special task group on racial reconciliation that consists of a dozen or so pastors from around the Twin Cities. We’ve been meeting periodically for the past year or so in order to strategize how to help the Church of the Twin Cities as a whole move forward in racial reconciliation.…

Review: “The Butler”

For all the same reasons that some couldn’t set their politics aside to celebrate what the election of Obama meant for African Americans, I’m quite sure that some won’t be able to set their politics aside to appreciate the brilliance and power of  “The Butler.” These folks will also likely allege that I’m being inconsistent…

Today We Can’t Lighten Up

We usually post something light-hearted or funny on Fridays. Not today. Not in the aftermath of the massacre in Charleston. Instead, we wanted to share with you the words of our friend Osheta Moore. You can read her post in its entirety here, but we wanted to highlight this portion: I’m kneeling at the cross today, wetting the ground…

A Lesson in Otherness

http://youtu.be/VeK759FF84s Long, long ago, a third grade teacher taught her class a lesson they will never forget. You won’t forget it either. This video is nearly 15 minutes long, but it’s so worth your time. Let’s love one another.

Lighten Up: Experience Informs

If you don’t think the world is filled with injustice, it might be because you’re at the top of the food chain.  

Confessions of a Christian Nation (Racism)

In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Greg Boyd, Brian McLaren and Brian Zahnd apologize to the African American community for the church’s complicity in the oppression of African Americans throughout American history. Video by Rex Harsin