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Myth of a Christian Nation: The Musical (Saturday Art Share)

This is a song by Showbread, off their album “Who Can Know It”

The Lyrics:
I’m tired of being filed into classrooms
And made to sit in pews
Made subject to the tyranny of scriptures you abuse
And handed guns to march along
Like patriotic clowns
Believing anything we’re told
And gunning anybody down

I know you think the flag’s got something to do with being free
But what makes you think that matters to me

We think we’re doing something right
No matter how bizarre
Turn some stranger into a demon
Cause we’re told that’s what they are
No one needs to wonder why we’ve become so despised
All the evil we’re known for seem so righteous in our eyes

I know you think the flag’s got something to do with being free
But what makes you think that matters to me
I know you think the flag’s got something to do with being free
But what makes you think that matters to me


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