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Podcast: Should We Expose Santa and the Easter Bunny as Frauds to Our Kids?

Greg pulls back the curtain on holiday fraud in this disenchanting roller coaster of an episode.


Send Questions To:

Dan: @thatdankent
Email: askgregboyd@gmail.com
Twitter: @reKnewOrg

Greg’s new book: Inspired Imperfection
Dan’s new book: Confident Humility



Related Reading

Jesus, the Light that Blesses

God spoke a promise to Abraham in Genesis 12 that his descendants would be a great nation and that all of the nations would be blessed through him. In this sermon clip, Greg discusses how Jesus became the new Israel that would bring a blessing to all people.  You can find the full sermon as well…

Lighten Up: My Favorite!

He always gives the best gifts.

Christmas Greeting from Greg

Blessings and God’s peace to all of you from all of us at ReKnew.

The Cross Reveals God’s Love

The central way Christ functions as the perfect image and exact representation of God is by dying on the cross. While Christ’s entire life manifests the true God, Christ came primarily to die. It was his death that defeated the devil and freed us from bondage. The one who does what is sinful is of…


Martin LaBar via Compfight Easter blessings to all of you from the ReKnew team. He is risen!

Why Bart Ehrman Doesn’t Have to Ruin Your Christmas (Or Your Faith) Part 1

This is the first of several videos Greg put together to refute Bart Ehrman’s claims published in the article What Do We Really Know About Jesus? Greg went to school with Bart and is very familiar with his line of thought. He’s also heard of many people who have lost their faith based on his writings.…