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Is Telling Christians to Avoid Politics Like Telling Them To Avoid Hospitals?

In this episode Greg clarifies how politics can be dangerous and why some people might want to avoid it.


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Dan: @thatdankent
Email: askgregboyd@gmail.com
Twitter: @reKnewOrg

Greg’s new book: Inspired Imperfection
Dan’s new book: Confident Humility



Related Reading

Taking the Lord’s Name in Vain

These things need to stop as it relates to our faith and our politics. Image by Katie Tegtmeyer. Sourced via Flickr.

Greg Boyd and Jim Wallis Debate on Faith and Politics

A few readers have been asking us to repost the audio (sorry, no video is available) of Greg’s debate with Jim Wallis on Faith and Politics back in 2006. It’s an oldie but goodie. Enjoy!


Palm Sunday, Partisan Politics & the Power of the Cross

Today we’re sharing something from David D. Flowers that we found especially insightful as we approach holy week. We hope it blesses you and moves you to more fully manifest the kingdom that is not of this world. ~~~ We remember it in the church as Palm Sunday. This is the triumphal entry of Jesus into…

“I hope to challenge the assumption that finding the right political path has anything to do with advancing the kingdom of God.” [Quotes]

I do not argue that those political positions are either wrong or right. Nor do I argue that Christians shouldn’t be involved in politics. While people whose faith has been politicized may well interpret me along such lines, I assure you that this is not what I’m saying. The issue is far more fundamental than how we should vote or participate in government. Rather, I hope to challenge the assumption that finding the right political path has anything to do with advancing the kingdom of God.

What do you think of the left wing Christians who are calling on Christians to stand up for “biblical justice”?

Yes, we’ve been hearing a lot of this recently, especially from more “progressive” (left-tending) Christians calling on people to vote “God’s politics” and stand up for “biblical justice.” On the one hand, I along with everyone else applaud such rhetoric, for what Bible-believing Christian in their right mind would take a stand against “biblical justice”?…

A Response to Tony Campolo on Taxes

In this and the next several blogs that I’ll be writing, I’d like to respond to views of Tony Campolo on several topics related to Christians and politics. I have had the privilege of dialoguing with Tony several times and even publicly debating him once on this top. And while I have the utmost respect…