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Faith in the Midst of the Storm

This last weekend Greg was in Michigan preaching at Mars Hill. If you’d like to download the audio of the sermon click here. Greg continues his thoughts on faith and doubt in this sermon, focusing on the gospel account of Jesus walking on the water. What does it mean to have faith?

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Related Reading

This Week’s Sermon: Sledge Hammer Faith

Greg is feverishly working on a new book on faith and doubt and he decided to preach on this topic for a couple of weeks. He’s also been dealing with this topic on the blog as a part of fleshing out the ReKnew Manifesto. This week he asks the question: Is certainty-seeking, doubt-shunning faith idolatrous? Many…

What Does ‘Your Faith Has Healed You’ Mean? (podcast)

Greg discusses faith, doubt, and healings. Episode 486 http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0486.mp3

Lighten Up: Believing in Believing

OK, we don’t really think this is the difference between theology and philosophy, but how does this guy not get that not believing in believing is, itself, a belief? 

Rethinking Our View of Faith

The second conviction of the “ReKnew Manifesto” is that we need to rethink what it means to have faith. It’s my impression that many, if not most, Evangelical Christians associate their assurance that they’re “saved” with their confidence that they believe correct doctrines. This is why many, if not most, think that heretics who believe…

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Sermon Clip: Marshmallow Advent

In last weekend’s sermon, Greg tells us about Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s writings on advent, and how getting in touch with our emptiness through silence and solitude can lead to peace. This short clip explains advent and the advantages of delayed gratification. You can download the entire sermon as well as other sermon resources by visiting the…

Sermon Clip: Spiritual Bodybuilding

In this sermon clip, Greg Boyd introduces the idea of charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit, or those gifts often referred to as the supernatural gifts. In the full sermon he discusses each gift individually, and explains two pieces of information needed to understand the gifts. He discusses listening to the Spirit and using the…