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Trinity and Process Endorsements
“Trinity and Process is meticulous in detail, fair in attitude and approach, and represents a genuine contribution to the study of process theology. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in the ongoing debate over the nature of God in contemporary theology and philosophy of religion.”
–Roger Olsen, Bethel College
“This is the most comprehensive and insightful study of Charles Harshorne’s thought to date. In addition to providing brilliant exposition and evaluation, the author also sets forth the highly significant thesis that the inner logic of Harshorne’s system is not only open to but indeed requires a Trinitarian conception of God in order to be complete. No one who is interested in the interface between traditional Christianity and the process view of reality can afford to ignore this work.”
–Sang Hyun Lee, Princeton Seminary
“Gregory Boyd has made a valuable contribution to contemporary philosophical theology. He provides a remarkably comprehensive exposition of Charles Hartshorne’s analysis of the a priori conditions of rationality and the doctrine of divine bi-polarity which is derived from this analysis. Boyd’s work deserves the attention of both neo-classical process and classical trinitarian theologians.”
–Daniel Migliore, Princeton Seminary
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