Greg Boyd

A Word to My Mennonite Friends: “Cherish Your Treasure!”
Category: General
Hello friends, I plan on getting back to the problem of violence in the Old Testament soon, but today I want to share a marvelous experience I had last week. About eight months ago I…

A Review of Colson’s God & Government
Category: General
Tags: Book Reviews, Reviews
Chuck Colson is one of the most respected, influential voices in the modern Evangelical movement. His book God & Government is an important one, for in this work we find Colson’s seasoned reflections on the…

What is the difference between “libertarian” and “compatibilistic” freedom?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Free Will, Predestination, Q&A, Responding to Calvinism
Topics: Free Will and the Future, Providence, Predestination and Free Will
Question: I often hear philosophers and theologians talk about “libertarian” and “compatibilistic” freedom. What do these terms mean? Answer: A person who holds to “libertarian” freedom believes that an agent (human or angelic) is truly free and morally…

The Shack: A Review
Category: General
Over the last few months I’ve had at least a dozen people tell me I needed to read the novel The Shack by William P. Young. “It’s your theology in narrative form,” one person told…

Boyd and Heiser Dialogue On The Nephilim Question
Category: General
In the previous post my friend Michael Heiser offered clarifications to points where he felt I misunderstood and misrepresented his position. In this post I’d like to share a dialogue between Michael and I that…

Heiser Clarifies Misunderstandings in My Review
Category: General
In my last post I reviewed chapters from my friend Michael Heiser’s forthcoming book, The Myth That Is True. He wrote me a response pointing out several areas where I seem to have misunderstood him….

Yahweh’s War Against the Nephilim
Category: General
Hello Bloggers and Bloggerettes, Sorry it’s been awhile. Been very busy la la la la. In this post I’d like to review a forthcoming book by my friend Michael Heiser. It’s entitled The Myth That…

What’s Up With The Nephilim?
Category: General
After a little break to plug the upcoming NDY fund raiser for Providence ministries and then show off my new granddaughter, it’s time to get back to trying to explain why God ordered the slaughter…

It’s a Girl!!!
Category: General
Shelley and I are proud to announce that our wonderful daughter Alisha (aka: “snorky”) and our spectacular son-in-law Tim have given birth to an adorable, 8 pound, 21 inch baby girl! They’ve given her the…

Reverend Greg Boyd “The Drummer”
Category: General
NDY (Not Dead Yet) will be performing Friday, June 6th, 8pm at O’Gara’s Garage in St. Paul. Cover charge is $10 at the door, with all proceeds going towards Providence House in Haiti. We hope…

The Teleological Exegetical Principle and O.T. Violence
Category: General
These days we’re (mostly) discussing why the God of the Hebrew Bible sometimes commands people to slaughter enemies, including women and children, while Jesus reveals that God dies for enemies and longs for their forgiveness….

Review of Ehrman’s “God’s Problem”
Category: General
The other night I read Bart Ehrman’s new book, God’s Problem: How the Bible Fails to Answer Our Most Important Question — Why We Suffer. Since it touches on the issue of violence in the…

thanks Greg!
Category: General
just wanted to say thanks to Greg for the very sweet post on my b-day!!and Greg, I am very impressed that you managed to post something on your own without any spelling or grammar mistakes….

Category: General
This is my friend Jen. She’s one of the kindest, humblest and smartest people you could ever meet. She’s also a blast to party with! I first met Jen 11 years ago when she was…

“Shadow” and “Reality”
Category: General
Hello Bloggerites, In the last post we discussed Craigie’s view that one of the central purposes why God involved himself in using violence to establish and preserve Israel was to provide humanity with a negative…

A Negative Object Lesson: Review of Craigie III
Category: General
Hats off to Todd Dietz for his excellent, hard-hitting video! Brilliant!! Thanks for sharing that Todd. We’re discussing Peter Craigie’s work, The Problem of War in the Old Testament, as part of a broader discussion…

Dollars = Change
Category: General
A podrishioner guest post – Todd Dietz I first heard Pastor Boyd speak online when he was at Mars Hill Church. I liked what I heard so I found the Woodland Hills Church podcasts and…

Revealing the Horror of War: Review of Craigie, Part II.
Category: General
Hello Blogging Friends, I’m in the process of critically reviewing various perspectives on the problem of violence in the Old Testament. My goal is to extract principles along the way to hopefully arrive at a…

Speaking of Faith
Category: General
The discussion with Greg, Shane Claiborne and Chuck Colson can be found here. We encourage you to listen to the unedited version. Posted by your friendly Admins. ;-)

Craigie: The Problem of War in the Old Testament, Part I
Category: General
Hi folks. Today I’m returning back to my “thinking out loud” about the problem of violence in the Old Testament. My posts on Vernon Eller’s War and Peace From Genesis to Revelation produced some interesting…