Greg Boyd

Eckhart Tolle’s “A New Earth” Book Review
Category: General
As I mentioned in my previous post, I’m going to suspend our discussion of violence in the O.T. for one more post in order to review Eckhart Tolle’s new book, A New Earth. The book…

More on Evolution as Cosmic Warfare
Category: General
I spend the weekend hanging out with some of my openness friends attending a Science and Openness Theology Conference in southern California. We all presented essays we’ve been working on since last summer for a…

Evolution As Cosmic Warfare
Category: General
Well, believe it or not, I’m going to take a break today from obsessing on the problem of violence in the Old Testament and instead obsess on the problem of violence in nature. (I promise…

A Critique of Eller’s Thesis
Category: General
Hello Bloggers, These days I’m “thinking out loud” about the problem of divinely sanctioned violence in the Old Testament. (If you’re new to this blog, I encourage you to go to the 3/14 post and…

A Defense of Eller’s Thesis
Category: General
Hello internet friends, In my last post I reviewed Eller’s proposal for reconciling the warrior image of Yahweh found in the Holy War tradition, on the one hand, with the self-sacrificial image of God revealed…

Could Old Testament Warriors Have Been Mistaken?
Category: General
Hi bloggers and bloggerettes, Sorry it’s been a few days since I’ve posted. Been crazy busy. I’ve been discussing the problem of divinely sanctioned violence in the Old Testament. So far I’ve argued that whether…

OT Violence and Christian Behavior
Category: General
Hi folks, Well, now that my toe drama is over we can get back to the topic we’ve been wrestling with the last several posts: How can the motif of divine violence in the Old…

Category: General
Just like the famous rock group I play in, I’m NOT DEAD YET! I’m out of the hospital, alive and well. But, there WAS a little drama. I had to preach at the WHC 5:00…

Greg Boyd and the Horrible Toe
Category: General
You might remember a post last month detailing Greg’s unfortunate injury to his little toe. Insignificant injury, right? Well, Greg is currently in the hospital recovering from a runaway infection. Greg’s toe started feeling pretty…

The Violent Strand of the Old Testament and Our Picture of God
Category: General
Hello fellow brave inquirers who aren’t afraid of dealing with difficult issues head-on: We’re trying to make sense of the violent strand of the Old Testament in which God is depicted as a warrior —…

Back up Colson Review
Category: General
Chuck Colson is one of the most respected, influential voices in the modern Evangelical movement. His book God & Government is an important one, for in this work we find Colson’s seasoned reflections on the…

Ms. Paparazzi the Night Stalker
Category: General
Thanks for posting that Marcia. Paul and I are very pleased to receive the CT Book Award. We make a good team — despite the fact that we sometimes drive each other nuts. Our prayer…

Category: General
Sorry to interrupt all this Old Testament/violence talk Greg has been writing on, but I (Marcia) have some exciting news to share. Christus Victor Ministries received word today that The Jesus Legend: A Case for…

What’s at Stake in Trying to Explain the Violent God of the Old Testament?
Category: General
When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drive out before you many nations… and when the LORD your God has delivered them over to you and…

Divinely Inspired Infanticide and Genocide?
Category: General
A number of years ago I read a Christian apologist who argued that one proof of the Bible’s inspiration is the fact that it is “the most beautiful book ever written.” Now, I believe the…

Stating It Clearly
Category: General
Hello fellow bloggerites, Thanks for all the feedback on my review of Colson’s God & Government. In light of some of this feedback, I feel I need to clarify my view. I am not suggesting…

Review of Colson’s God & Government
Category: General
As I promised, here’s my book review of Chuck Colson’s book God & Government. This is a long post, but I hope you’ll find it worth the effort. Chuck Colson is one of the most…

Let me tell you about my “Beso”
Category: General
Hi folks, I’d like to share with you a little bit about my adorable wife Shelley. It’s her birthday today! I affectionately refer to her as “Beso” (pronounced bee-so) because…. actually, I have no idea,…

A Discussion With Chuck Colson and Shane Claiborne
Category: General
Hi folks. Hats off to Marcia (Paparazzi) Erickson and Jen (Doc) Halverson for the outstanding summary they wrote about our vacation and my poor little toe. Do I not hang with the coolest tribe on…

work hard, play hard, sleep hard
Category: General
I (Marcia), your paparazzi “lens truth master” found Greg last week in Mexico. He tried going incognito with a fierce bandanna look but it flopped as he was a dead giveaway with book and pen…