Greg Boyd

Did God use Satan to test Job?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Bible, Old Testament, Problem of Evil, Q&A
Topics: Spiritual Warfare, Cosmic Conflict, The Problem of Evil
Question: In Job 1:21 and 2:10, Job seems to accept “adversity” from God while continuing to trust him. Job blames his troubles on God (i.e. “He shattered me” [16:12], “He breaks me down on every…

How can we determine what is and is not “open” about the future?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Open Theism, Q&A
Topics: Free Will and the Future
Question: You believe that the future is partly open. You’re writing has pretty much convinced me this is true, but I’ve still got some serious questions about it. For example, how does anyone determine what…

Why did Jesus say “buy a sword”?
Category: General
Hope you’re all enjoying the Christmas season. Here’s a question I’ve gotten a dozen times in the last several weeks: If Jesus is opposed to violence, why did he tell his disciples to buy swords…

Spiritual Journey
Category: General
Tags: Greg Boyd
Over the years I’ve given bits and pieces of my testimony about how I came to Christ in sermons and books, but I’ve never woven all these pieces together into a single narrative. Many have…

Was the Christian Security Guard a Hero?
Category: General
On December 9, Matthew Murray walked onto the campus of New Life Church in Colorado Springs and began shooting at people. He killed one person and wounded several others before a volunteer church security guard,…

Sex and the Trinity
Category: General
Okay, this is (I hope) the last of my sex blogs for a while. But hey, this is important stuff, especially given how cavalierly our culture treats sex. So far we’ve seen that sex is…

What is your perspective on the classical view that God is above time?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Classical Theism, God, Open Theism, Q&A
Topics: Attributes and Character, Open Theism
In a major strand of hellenistic (Greek) philosophy, change was seen as being an imperfection. This idea was adopted by many early Church fathers and eventually became almost an assumed dogma of the Church. It…

Sex and Our Heavenly Marriage
Category: General
One or two more blogs and I’ll be done with sex — at least as a topic of discussion for the time being. We’ve been talking about why sex is such a big deal for…

Promiscuity and Terrorism
Category: General
Hello bloggerites, If you just recently joined my blog, you probably think I’m a man obsessed with sex. I’m actually not. I just happen to be working on a chapter on this topic for a…

The Question of Masturbation
Category: General
Hi folks, We’re talking about sex these days. And, not surprisingly, I’ve gotten several questions about masturbation. Of course, if I was smart, I’d leave this question alone. But why start now? Besides, every single…

Why Sex is a Big Deal
Category: General
Hello internet friends, I preached a sermon on chastity today at Woodland Hills Church. You can access this sermon and all past sermons HERE. What I tried to show is not just that God warns…

Category: General, Lighten Up
I never watched the sitcom Friends much, but I came across a quote yesterday that reminded me of one of the few episodes I did watch. Monica asked a friend whom she’d begun having sex…

it’s movie review time
Category: General
Heh folks, let’s lighten things up a bit here and do some movie reviews. It’s been a while, so I’ve got a number to go through (in no particular order). Rendition: *** Reese Witherspoon has…

Did Calvin Kill Servetus?
Category: General
Hi folks, The last two blogs have generated a bit of a stir. Good! If what I’m saying about the centrality of Calvary-looking love is right, we need a major paradigm shift on how we…

The Worst Heresy Imaginable!
Category: General
Wow, I’ve gotten a ton of feedback on the picture in my previous blog. (I still have forty or so e-mails to get through!) Almost all of the responses (so far) have been positive! I…

Washing Osama’s Feet
Category: General
Brad Cole is a friend of mine who runs a ministry called Heavenly Sanctuary. This ministry puts on Conferences around the country on the Character of God — and they get it right. This year…

Snakes, Scorpions and Satan
Category: General
Hello my intellectual internet friends, I’m preaching through the book of Luke these days (actually the last several years), and this last week was on Luke 10:17-24. In this passage the 70 disciples that had…

Lessons on the Non-Violent Atonement
Category: General
Hi Folks, Crazy last 9 days for me!*Last Friday through Sunday participated in a conference on faith and politics in Kansas.*Monday was in meetings all day at Woodland Hills Church.*Tuesday worked 14 hours on my…