Greg Boyd

What a reading-addicted pathetic egghead reads
Category: General
Hey bloggers and bloggettes, I occasionally get asked, “What ya reading these days Greg?” So — since I’ve committed myself to sprinkling in academic reflections with random “me” stuff — I thought I’d tell you….

from one of the admins
Category: General
ok…. marcia here….i work with greg at christus victor ministries…administrative and photograhy. you won’t hear from me much on this blog but sometimes i need to defend myself with those that follow this blog. i…

welcome to my new blog
Category: General
Heh folks, We’ve got a new web blogger page site thingy whatever…. do you like it? Thanks to Jen Halverson the wonderful for setting this up! To be honest, I don’t get this blogger thing…

Is There a Uniquely “Christian” Way of Being Superior?
Category: General
A Reflection on “Christian” Politics In every political conflict, the feuding parties uniformly assume that they are wiser and/or morally superior to their opponents. They have to. On what other basis could two political parties…

What About the Military? 4-9-07
Category: General
I recently received an email from a person serving in the military that included this statement:“I read your book The Myth of a Christian Nation. You should not have published this. Jesus works with military…

The Fatal Flaw in the Classical View of God
Category: General
The “classical view of God” refers to the view of God that has dominated Christian theology since the earliest Church fathers. According to this theology, God is completely “immutable.” This means that God’s being and…

More “Practicing the Presence”
Category: General
One major problem many American Christians face is that we tend to embrace a magical view of the Christian faith. We assume that if a person “prays the sinners prayer,” “surrenders their life to Christ,”…

Discipleship, Moment by Moment
Category: General
“Offer your heart to Him at every moment. Don’t restrict our love of Him with rules or special devotions. Go out in faith, with love and humility.”Brother Lawrence (Practicing the Presence of God)To me, the…

Practicing the Presence 3-24-07
Category: General
I’m trying to remind myself these days to “practice the presence of God.” Seems to me that everything – everything – depends on this. Our “life” is nothing but a series of “nows,” so the…

Greg Responds to “Amazing Grace”
Category: General
I and my friends went to see the movie “Amazing Grace” the other night. It’s a movie on the life of William Wilberforce, the Christian political activist who is largely responsible for ending the English…

Concerned about the “Lost Tomb of Jesus?”
Category: General
Here’s Greg’s Top 20 Objections to Cameron’s Documentary On March 4th the Discovery Channel aired James Cameron’s much celebrated documentary, “The Lost Tomb of Jesus.” The documentary basically gives a new spin on an old…

Reflections on a Costa Rican Vacation
Category: General
“Pura Vida” Costa Rican phrase that is widely used meaning “Pure life” or “This is living!” Last week, Shelley (my adorable wife) and I along with our small group (Greg and Marcia Erickson, Dave and…

What Should we make of the Lost Tomb of Christ?
Category: General
Just this morning I read in my newspaper that the Discovery Channel is going to air a documentary this coming Sunday entitled “The Lost Tomb of Christ,” produced by James Cameron (of Titanic fame). I’m…

God is Not Frozen
Category: General
As many of you know, I’ve been “ just a bit” obsessed with Plato lately. (I’m working on a massive book project that will be called The Myth of the Blueprint, and this is part…

Mankato Debate with Dr. Robert Price
Category: General
This last Thursday night I had a debate with Robert Price at Mankato State University on the topic, Who is Jesus? This is the sixth time I’ve debated Robert Price on the historical Jesus! As…

My Philosophical OCD
Category: General
Sorry I haven’t been very consistent in blogging. This time I’ll blame it on the fact that I’ve been completely obsessed with Plato’s Forms lately. I’m reading Plato’s works and writing stuff on Plato like…

Whether They Know it or Not, Everybody is at Heart an Open Theist
Category: General
(Or, How to Drive a Calvinist Crazy!) Hello faithful bloggers. Hope your 2007 is going well so far. Here’s something to ponder: Whatever a person may theoretically believe, they act like the future is partly…

Father, Forgive Them
Category: General
Luke 23:34: Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Could anything be more shocking and yet more beautiful than this prayer? After being whipped, beaten, crowned with thorns,…