Let’s Remember
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Non-Violence, Politics
In light of the events in the last few days involving attacks on American diplomats in foreign countries (and the ensuing political conflict), let’s remember one thing: Our fight is not with flesh and blood….
Wrecked for God
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living
Idelette McVicker posted a blog on She Loves about getting wrecked for an ordinary, comfortable life. It’s a thoughtful piece on opening yourself to the world around you so that your heart breaks and your life…
Conflicting Pictures of God
Category: General
Tags: Bible, Jesus, Picture of God, ReKnew
In my ongoing reflections on the ReKnew Manifesto, I’ve spent the last two posts (here and here) arguing that nothing is more important in our life than our mental images of God. If so, then…

A Kingdom Not of This World
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Politics
Bruxy Cavey spoke at Woodland Hills Church back in May as a part of the Tapestry series, and this is a little snippet of his sermon. It’s a wonderful description of the Anabaptist approach to…
God’s Big Toes
Category: General
Tags: Body of Christ, Kingdom Living, Sermons
Last weekend, Greg preached a sermon on what it means to function as the body of Christ. You can visit the Woodland Hills Church website to download audio or video as well as presentation slides….
When Our Images of God are Faulty
Category: General
Tags: Adam and Eve, Imagination, Picture of God, ReKnew
I’m fleshing out the third proclamation of the ReKnew Manifesto, which challenges us to rethink our conception of God. In the previous post I noted that, since our relationship with God is mediated through our…
Hate-Filled Prayers
Category: General
Tags: Politics, Prayer
I came across a story about this billboard at 4:00 yesterday morning and tweeted on it. It would be easy to dismiss this sad display as an isolated act of a crazed fanatic, but I…

Insights from a Technology Fast
Category: Essays
Tags: Essay, Technology
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Hannah Brencher took a two week technology fast and shared what she learned last week. Of course, if you’re reading this, you obviously make use of technology and we’re not saying that there’s anything wrong…
Who’s the God in Your Head?
Category: General
Tags: God, Imagination, ReKnew
The mission of ReKnew is to encourage Christians and non-Christians to rethink through things they previously thought they knew. The nine proclamations of the ReKnew Manifesto reflect nine aspects of traditional Christianity, and especially Evangelical…
God and Our Political Platforms
Category: General
Tags: Israel, Jesus, Kingdom Living, Politics
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Rachel Held Evans posted a blog today on the stir created when Democrats booed the passing of “an amendment to the party platform reinstating language that identified Jerusalem as the rightful capital of Israel and…
Life and Death in Haiti
Category: General
Tags: Haiti, Poverty, Problem of Evil
Sometimes it’s important to hear about other lives, much sadder and difficult than our own, to reorient us to what is most important. In this season of elections that can be so divisive and in…
Kingdom Sighting: Neighborhood Film Company
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom
A reader (Thanks Rebecca!) sent us some information on the Neighborhood Film Company. Visit their website to see what they’re up to, and we think it will bless you. Here’s a little bit of information…
According to Your Faith
Category: General
Tags: Faith, Sermons
In his sermon from this last weekend, Greg deals with Scriptures that have created some misunderstandings regarding the nature of faith. He shows how we can replace the gimmickry we normally associate with faith with…
When Technology Becomes an Idol
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Technology
Our dear friend Bruxy Cavey wrote this reflection on how technology can contribute to spiritual apathy. Has technology replaced God in ways you may not have noticed? It’s good to “unplug” on a regular basis to…
Category: General
Tags: Philosophy, Wittgenstein
Heh peeps, For several years in college and seminary I was enamored with Ludwig Wittgenstein. In fact, the main reason I decided to attend Yale Divinity School was to study under Paul Holmer who was arguably the…
Capable Flesh
Category: General
Tags: Poetry
Capable Flesh The tender flesh itself will be found one day — quite surprisingly — to be capable of receiving, and yes, full capable of embracing the searing energies of God. Go figure. Fear not….
Evolution as Believers-A Clarification
Category: General
Tags: Evolution, Science
Hi friends, We received an unusual amount of e-mail and quite a few comments on my Facebook page in response to my little post on evolution a few days ago. I appreciate all of it, including…