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Remembering that We are Finite

Here’s a little reminder from Joshua Becker that we live with limited resources in the areas of “Money. Time. Energy. Attention. Physical Space. Relationships. Mental Capacity. Body. Talents. Natural Resources.” Let’s spend these things with wisdom and love.

From the blog:

This reality of our finiteness is an incredibly important truth. It is one we should intentionally choose to focus on each day. Because when we do, it changes our actions, our motivations, and our pursuits. It changes us.

On the other hand, when we lose sight of this fact, we are far more apt to squander our resources. For example,

  • when we lose focus on the limits of our money, we sink deeper and deeper into debt.
  • when we lose focus on the limits of our time, we let it slip away day by day… year by year.
  • when we lose focus on the limits of our energy, we spend it on foolish pursuits.
  • when we lose focus on the limits of our mental capacity, we fill our minds with trivial facts.
  • when we lose focus on the limits of physical space, we fill it with unnecessary things.
  • when we lose focus on the limits of relationships, we miss opportunities right in front of us.

Image by Moyan Brenn. Sourced via Flickr.

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