
The Evangelical Covenant Church Website and Magazine- 10/11/06
Category: Press
The Evangelical Covenant Church published a short article about Greg on their web site. In addition, they published an interview with Greg in the October 2006 edition their magazine, The Covenant Companion.

Spiritual Journey
Category: General
Tags: Greg Boyd
Over the years I’ve given bits and pieces of my testimony about how I came to Christ in sermons and books, but I’ve never woven all these pieces together into a single narrative. Many have…

Was the Christian Security Guard a Hero?
Category: General
On December 9, Matthew Murray walked onto the campus of New Life Church in Colorado Springs and began shooting at people. He killed one person and wounded several others before a volunteer church security guard,… Article – 10/10/06
Category: Press ran an article on Greg called “Oh, Those Wacky, Compassionate Christians.”

The Covenant Companion Magazine – 10/06
Category: Press
The Covenant Companion Magazine wrote an article entitled “Christian People or a Christian Nation?“

Christianity Today Article – 10/06
Category: Press
The Cross or the Sword? Gregory Boyd’s radical approach to faith and politics has taken him where few American pastors have dared to go—and he’s got the empty pews to prove it. By Carla Barnhill

The Kansas City Star – 9/30/06
Category: Press
The Kansas City Star ran an article called “Evangelicals Take Political Uneasiness Public” (16 kb pdf) which mentions Greg and his book.

Wired Parish – 9/28/06
Category: Press
Jay Kelly at did an audio interview (10.1 mb mp3) with Greg about Myth of a Christian Nation.

Sex and the Trinity
Category: General
Okay, this is (I hope) the last of my sex blogs for a while. But hey, this is important stuff, especially given how cavalierly our culture treats sex. So far we’ve seen that sex is…

Voices of America – 9/28/06
Category: Press
Voices of America wrote an article about Greg entitled “Preacher Takes Stand Against Politics On the Pulpit.“

Radio Interview, KFBK CA – 9/21/06
Category: Press
Greg was a guest for an interview (8.6 mb mp3) on News Talk 1530 KFBK out of Sacremento, CA.

What is your perspective on the classical view that God is above time?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Classical Theism, God, Open Theism, Q&A
Topics: Attributes and Character, Open Theism
In a major strand of hellenistic (Greek) philosophy, change was seen as being an imperfection. This idea was adopted by many early Church fathers and eventually became almost an assumed dogma of the Church. It…

The Cincinnati City Beat – 9/21/06
Category: Press
The Cincinnati CityBeat ran an article on Greg and the Myth of a Christian Nation. Article – 9/19/06
Category: Press posted an article on Christianity and politics. “What Scares the Left About the Christians in Politics”. What scares the left about the Christians in politics? Peter Bronson A young woman on my right,…

The Jewish Herald-Voice – 9/14/06
Category: Press
The Jewish Herald-Voice ran an article called “Evangelical Leader Calls for Untangling Religion and Politics” that takes a look at Greg’s book from a Jewish perspective.

Minnesota Public Radio Interview and Article – 9/11/06
Category: Press
A stand from the pulpit: Listen to an interview by Minnesota Public Radio, or read the article.

Sex and Our Heavenly Marriage
Category: General
One or two more blogs and I’ll be done with sex — at least as a topic of discussion for the time being. We’ve been talking about why sex is such a big deal for… – 9/05/06
Category: Press
The website featured an “open letter” to Greg.

Star Tribune – 9/01/06
Category: Press
The Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune did an article (88 kb pdf) about Greg and how our church has responded to his ideas about Christians and politics in their “Faith+Values” section.