
Saying Good Bye to the Stepmother I Never Knew
Category: General
On Sunday, August 27th, the stepmother who raised me during my formative childhood years passed away. Her name was Stella. She was 91 years old. To be perfectly honest, I didn’t feel any personal loss…

Thoughts on “God’s Warriors” from “The Heretic”
Category: General
Hi folks, I and a bunch of friends just finished watching Christiane Amanpour’s CNN documentary entitled “God’s Christian Warriors.” I honestly thought the whole three-part series was simply fantastic. Each segment was well done, balanced,…

A lesson from Apocalypto
Category: General
Hello Bloggerites, The other night I watched a movie with my small group: Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto. It’s basically a story about the tribulations of a young Mayan man and his family toward the end of…

Why the 35W Bridge Collapsed
Category: General
As all of you know, I’m sure, a little over a week ago the 35W bridge in Minneapolis collapsed. This is the most traveled bridge in Minnesota. It was a tragedy, though the fact that…

A Play, A Teacher, and a Changed Life
Category: General
Ladies and Gentlemen, believe it or not I’m going to blog about something other than “Natural” evil! (I admit that when I get hooked on a topic, I can become a wee bit obsessive –…

Ralph Winter’s Modified “Gap Theory”
Category: General
Hello folks, trust you are all having a nice summer. I’m sure many of you are familiar with Ralph Winter. He is the editor of the acclaimed book Perspectives on World Missions and is arguably…

An Argument from the Early Church Fathers
Category: General
Greetings comrades in the war! I’ve been sharing various arguments defending the S.I.N. hypothesis over the last dozen or so blogs (go back to July 12 to start from the beginning). I come now to…

Argument From Cosmic Redemption
Category: General
Topics: Creation Care
Hello folks, I’m coming to my fifth argument defending my Satan-in-Nature (S.I.N) hypothesis — the view that “natural” evil can only adequately be explained by positing that evil cosmic forces have a corrupted nature. If…

The Argument from a Cursed Nature
Category: General
“Man…trusted God was love indeedAnd love Creation’s final law –Tho’ Nature, red in tooth and clawWith ravine, shrek’d against his creed/”Tennyson, In Memoriam Tennyson nailed it. We trust that God is love. But we also…

The Argument from God’s Non-Violent Creational Ideal
Category: General
Topics: Creation Care
Hello blogging community. Thanks for tuning in. I’m getting a lot of feedback on my recent posts about “natural evil,” and I appreciate it. Some of it has been people offering criticisms of my view,…

The Argument from God’s Creational Battles
Category: General
Greetings my erudite internet friends, I’m in the process of summarizing my defense of my claim that “natural” evil can only be adequately accounted for if we accept that fallen spirits have, to some extent,…

The Argument From Demonically-Influenced Infirmities
Category: General
Hi folks, I’m summarizing my case for my belief that “natural” evil can only be adequately accounted for if we accept that fallen spirits have, to some extent, interfered with God’s good creational design for…

The Argument From Animal Suffering
Category: General
Topics: Creation Care
Hello my smart friends out there in virtual reality land! It’s so good to be back home with family and friends. Not that I didn’t love being with all the philosophical, theological and scientific brainiacs…

Milbanks and the Satan in Nature Hypothesis
Category: General
Some of you may be familiar with John Milbank, one of the founders of a movement called “Radical Orthodoxy.” (His best known book is Theology and Social Theory). I don’t agree with everything he writes,…

A Meeting With the Grand Master
Category: General
Hello my brilliant blogging friends, Today (Friday) was the grand finale of the science and open theology conference, and what a finale it was! Our visiting guest was Sir. John Polkinghorne, the grand master of…

The Emergent Self
Category: General
In our next-to-last session at the Quincy Science and Theology conference, Dr. Bill Hasker (Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at Huntington University) presented a comprehensive argument for what he calls “the emergent self” (or “soul”). It…

A Frustrating Debate
Category: General
Hope you all had a nice fourth of July! God bless America — and all other countries!! To be honest, I have a little bit of trouble really getting into this particular holiday. Should I…

The Science of Forgiveness
Category: General
Well, the conference took a different turn today. We talked about forgiveness — not exactly a topic you’d think would arise at a science and theology conference! Our discussion was led by Dr. Everett Worthington,…