
Reflections on the Body, Soul, and Spirit
Category: General
Hello comrads in the great and mighty battle! Trust all is going well for you. I’m still out here in Quincy at the Science and Theology Conference. I’m starting to really ache for my family…

Historical Fall, Historical Redemption
Category: General
Hello my Blogging Buds,I’m still out here in Quincy. I’m missing my adorable wife and family terribly. I’m missing my friends. I’m missing my dogs. But, as compensation, I’m enjoying great intellectual stimulation. Life is…

Back to the Drawing Board on the “Gap Theory”
Category: General
Heh folks, I’ve heard from quite a number of you, and I’m delighted you’re enjoying my daily posts on the Science and Theology Conference out here in Quincy. (I also know its not everyone’s cup…

A Great Time Talking Faith and Politics
Category: General
Hi folks,I took Wednesday off from the Science and Theology conference to fly out to Washington D.C. and participate in a one day Conference on Faith and Politics, alongside Jim Wallis, Tony Campolo, and Melissa…

Satan and the Carnage of Nature
Category: General
Hello my blogging friends, Well, we had another FANTASTIC discussion at the Science and Theology Conference this morning (Tuesday). The presenter was Jeffery Schloss, Professor of Biology at Westmont University in Malibu California (Westmont is…

Intelligent Design and Intelligent Anti-Design
Category: General
I flew back home this weekend to preach a couple sermons, then flew out to re-join the science and theology conference in Quincy — and I am frankly sick of FLYING!! But, at the same…

Temporal Flow, Relativity Theory, and Open Theology
Category: General
Hello friends, In our fifth session of the Quincy Science and Theology Conference, we heard from Robert Mann. Mann is the head of the department of physics and astronomy at the University of Waterloo in…

Reflections on the Science Conference
Category: General
Hello bloggers and bloggets, Well, I’m having a great time out here in Quincy. The discussions with fellow theologians, philosophers, and scientists who are Open Theists is very stimulating. Plus we’re having a lot of…

Notes from the Quincy Conference: Does Science Rule Out Miracles?
Category: General
(admin’s note…this blog was written by Greg yesterday…sorry for the delay in posting!) Philip Clayton is one of the leading philosophers of science in the world, and today he delivered the lecture that we then…

Notes from the Conference
Category: General
Had another fun session at the science and open theology conference this morning (Tuesday). Among other things, a very well known philosopher named Tom Flint presented a paper defending “Molinism” and arguing AGAINST Open Theism….

Greetings from Quincy
Category: General
Hello fellow bloggerites,I’m writing you from Quincy, Massachusetts, just outside of Boston. I’m at a three week Science and Open Theology conference. We’ve got 20 or so scholars who espouse some form of openness interacting…

Spontaneous Beauty
Category: General
Like I said in the previous blog, I’m trying to get back into shape – at least a little – by jogging a few miles three or four times a week. (Not quite like my…

Patio reflections on the free decisions of a spider
Category: General
Hi folks, I know I know. It’s been a week. But I so loved the birthday pics and video that I didn’t want to bump them from the top of the order. (Wasn’t the video…

The Mother of All Birthday Parties!
Category: General
On Friday, June 1st, my small group told me they were taking me out dancing (I LOVE to dance and frequently complain to the group that we don’t do enough of it). Julie said she…

Reflections on my ride on Kafka’s train
Category: General
Have you ever noticed that every year seems to race by twice as fast as the previous one? Surely, I’ll be dead by tomorrow! It’s like a Kafka novel. (For readers not familiar with Franz…

A Conflicted Memorial Day
Category: General
Hope you all had a happy Memorial Day. (Isn’t that something of a misnomer — a happy time remembering people killed in war?) Memorial Day honestly leaves me conflicted. On the one hand, I am…

A Review (of sorts) of Claiborne’s The Irresistible Revolution
Category: General
I’m taking a (much needed) break from my work on The Myth of the Blueprint and my related insatiable obsession on ancient Greek philosophy. I’m going to spend the next few months working on a…

Pure Grace and Free Will
Category: General
I received a question the other day that I get quite often, so I’d thought I’d share it with you all. It was from an Arminian-turned-Calvinist who basically wondered how salvation can be by grace…