Be Bono-fide
Category: General
Thank you Ms. Paparazzi on that delightful expose of my Bono-fide Icee-drinking fun night out with friends. We really did have fun seeing U2 3D. I’m frankly not crazy about their music (I’m more of…
cvm paparazzi (marcia) at work
Category: General
Greg posted that the launch date for the new CVM site has been delayed a couple months. I thought (as Greg’s “lens truth master”) I’d give you insight into the delay and what Greg’s been…
Where’s the new Christus Victor website?
Category: General
Some time ago I mentioned that we were going to launch our new, improved, super easy and super informative website “very soon.” “Soon” has come and gone, so where’s the new site? May I remind…
Where do you find your security?
Category: General
In Matthew 6:24-34 Jesus taught us it’s impossible to serve two masters. He illustrates this by saying we “cannot serve both God and money.” But he could just as easily have said we “cannot serve…
Satan, Government and Christian Anarchy
Category: General
Inspired by my reading of Jacque Ellul, I’ve been talking about Christian Anarchy the last couple posts. I want to remind folks that “anarchy” used in this way does not denote chaos. It rather means…
The Insignificance of Governments and Armies
Category: General
Isaiah 40:15,17 Behold, the nations are like a drop in a bucket, And are regarded as a speck of dust on the scales; Behold, He lifts up the islands like fine dust… All the…
God, Government and Christian Anarchy
Category: General
Hello blogging buds. The last two days I’ve been reading Ellul’s The Presence of the Kingdom. Fantastic book — though many readers will find his somewhat elusive “dialectical” style challenging (Ellul writes, and thinks, in…
Doing Martin Luther King Jr. Justice
Category: General
Today is Martin Luther King Jr. day, so I’d like to share a reflection on this great man and the movement he birthed. For the first time in history, we have an African American who…
Books I’m Currently Working On
I get asked a lot about what new things I’m working on, and since I’m always working on something, I thought I’d share it with you. Currently, I am working on five books for publication:…
Huckabee on Amending the Constitution
Category: General
Well, you may have already heard about it. Huckabee publicly proclaimed that we need to amend the constitution to bring it into conformity with “God’s standards.” You can check out the minute and a half…
The Subversion of Christianity
Category: General
Welcome open minded internet thinkers. Thanks again for all your prayers. I’m feeling much better. I’m still a bit sick, but I managed to travel to Columbia, Missouri, this weekend to preach/teach at a friend’s…
A Call to Christian Anarchy
Category: General
I’m ALIVE!!! Not 100% for sure, but compared to Wednesday, I’m the epitome of health. Thanks for your prayers. Well, obviously the last five days haven’t been the most productive in my life. But when…
Why the 35W Bridge Collapsed – blog post 8/09/2007
Category: General
Tags: Current Events, Free Will, Open Theism, Predestination
Topics: Open Theism, The Problem of Evil
As all of you know, I’m sure, a little over a week ago the 35W bridge in Minneapolis collapsed. This is the most traveled bridge in Minnesota. It was a tragedy, though the fact that…
Washing Osama’s Feet – blog post 8/28/07
Category: General
Tags: Non-Violence
(This post was written by Greg on Sunday, October 28, 2007. It was such a controversial entry that he had to write a follow-up post which you can read here) Brad Cole is a friend…
The “Kingdom Now”: Reflections on Magical American Christianity
Category: General
Tags: Discipleship, Kingdom Living
Topics: Following Jesus
One major problem American Christians face is that we tend to embrace a magical view of the Christian faith. We assume that if a person “prays the sinners prayer,” “surrenders their life to Christ,” and…
Reflections on the Influence, and Damage, of Plato’s Timaeus 28a
Category: General
Tags: Classical Theism, God, Philosophy
Topics: Apologetics
The Timaeus is Plato’s account of the creation of the world. Ancient philosophers were divided as to whether Plato meant the work to be taken literally or mythically, as are modern scholars. The work was…
Living Jesus’ Prayer for Forgiveness
Category: General
Tags: Forgiveness, Judgement, Kingdom Living
Topics: Following Jesus
Luke 23:34: Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Could anything be more shocking and yet more beautiful than this prayer? After being whipped, beaten, crowned with thorns,…
Everybody’s Got a Prequel
Category: General
Tags: Forgiveness, Judgement, Kingdom Living
My wife and I, along with some friends, recently attended the Broadway Play Wicked. Without giving too much away, I’ll tell you the play attempts to answer the question: What could have possibly made the…