Search Results: love your nieghbor

The Greatest Love Story Ever Told

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…movies, and so many of them are love stories. The popularity of love stories might have something to do with the ways they connect us with a primordial dream. It’s the dream of love that lies at the heart of every human being. If the depth of one’s love can…

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Eckhart Tolle’s “A New Earth”: A Review

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…life. Love implies duality: lover and beloved, subject and object. So love is the recognition of oneness in the world of duality (106). In other words, since duality is not an ultimate reality, love is not an ultimate reality – which is why God can’t be said to be love….

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Eckhart Tolle’s “A New Earth” Book Review


…why Tolle says that the biblical teaching that “God is love” is “not absolutely correct.” The truth, according to Tolle, is that… God is the One Life and beyond the countless forms of life. Love implies duality: lover and beloved, subject and object. So love is the recognition of oneness…

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Love Conquers All

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…God’s love. When we catch ourselves feeling superior, we are to drink in the mercy of God’s love, remembering that we ourselves are forgiven sinners. When we feel condemned, we are to drink the forgiveness of God’s love. When we feel despair, we are to drink the hope of God’s…

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The Risk of Love

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…the eternal triune love that God is. It exists to glorify God. Humans are to glorify God by expressing his love and authority as we rule the earth. God wants to be Lord over all creation, but because he is the triune God of love, he doesn’t want to do…

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The Kingdom of God (Part 2)

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…breath, brainwave and heart beat. Because we are called to love like Christ loved us, we are to love without any regard for whether we think they deserve it or not. Common sense must never be allowed to trump the love we’re called to give. Thus Jesus teaches us: Love

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The Impossible Command of God

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…significance, and security. Operating out of our inner emptiness we invariably love our friends but hate our enemies. The challenge, then, is not first and foremost to love like Christ. The challenge is to live in Christ’s love, for only then can we love as Christ loved. And as with…

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Why a “Christocentric” View of God is Inadequate: God’s Self-Portrait, Part 5

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…Jesus revealed that “God is love” was by freely sacrificing himself on the cross. “This is how we know what love is,” John writes, “Jesus Christ laid down his life for us” (1 Jn 3:16, cf. I Jn 4:9). To know what “love” is, we must not look to our…

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The Image of Cross-Like Love: God’s Self-Portrait, Part 6

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…If you want to know the quality of someone’s love for you, measure the depth of their sacrifice for you. Love is not an inner disposition that has no behavioral implications. Love is expressed in action — costly action. On the cross, God went to the furthest extreme possible for…

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The “Christus Victor” View of the Atonement

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…I say to you, Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also… You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those…

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The Goal For Your Life in 2015

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Love is the reason anything exists. God created the world out of love—to express his love and to invite others to share in his love. The central goal of creation is succinctly summed up in a profound prayer Jesus prayed just prior to his crucifixion: For [the disciples’] sake I…

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Does the Doctrine of the Trinity Matter?

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…teaching of the Bible, for it reveals that God is, in his very eternal nature, perfect love. God is love (1 Jn 4:16). Love isn’t merely something God does; perfect love is what God eternally is. It’s impossible to believe that “God is love” unless you conceive of God as…

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How Much Are You Worth?

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…more than he actually does, and we could not matter more to God than we actually do. This love lies at the core of God’s being. “God is love” (1 John 4:8), as we explored in this post. God loves us with the very same love that God eternally is….

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God’s Love is Cruciform

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…equates “following (mimētēs) God” (which could be translated as “imitating God”) with living “a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us.” Several verses later Paul applies this cruciform understanding of love to husbands when he tells them to “love your wives, just as…

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Does Jesus’ Abandonment on the Cross Destroy the Trinity?

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…to define God as “love” (1 Jn. 4:8) while defining the love that God is by pointing us to the cross (I Jn. 3:16) reveals the unsurpassable love that defines God throughout eternity. Perhaps the best way of thinking about this is to distinguish between the love and unity that…

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The Worst Heresy Imaginable!


…to ask ourselves: Are we guilty of the worst heresy imaginable? Do we do everything in love? Do we place love above all other considerations? Do we love Osama Bin Laden? Think about it. Live in love, as Christ loved you and gave his life for you (Eph 5:1-2). Greg…

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…save all. We don’t see how anyone who genuinely loves all people—as Christ commands and empowers us to do—could fail to hope that God’s love will eventually rescue and transform everyone. Paul instructs us that love believes the best and hopes for the best for all (I Cor 13:7). At…

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Participating in the Divine Nature (Love)

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…his disciples! This blows me away! God’s love for us isn’t a secondary, derivative, watered down kind of love. It’s the very same eternal love the Father has for the Son. It’s the very same love that God’s eternally is. What I wrote in the post yesterday about God now…

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How Are We To Love the Soldiers of ISIS?

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…we are to love anybody else is that these people strike us as more evil than others and/or because we may be concerned about what would happen if everybody loved these soldiers. But as we’ve just seen, our call to love has nothing to do with how “good” or “evil”…

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VII Christian Living

…and Theosis in Paul’s Narrative Soteriology (Eerdmans, 2009) 3 S. Kierkegaard, Works of Love (Princeton University Press, 1995) 2 W. Klassen, Love of Enemies (Fortress, 1984) 2 G MacGregor, He Who Lets Us Be: A Theology of Love (Seabury, 1975) 2 T. Savage, Power Through Weakness (Cambridge University Press, 1996)…

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