Already Not Yet
How God Changes the World
Category: General
Tags: Already Not Yet, Kingdom Living, Kingdom of God, Practicing the Presence of God
All who place their trust in Jesus look forward to a day when he will return and fully establish the kingdom of God. When this happens, Scripture promises that everything will change. There will be…
The Hope of the Cross & Resurrection
Category: General
Tags: Already Not Yet, Cross, Easter, Eschatology, Hope, Resurrection
In a real sense, God has already “raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms” (Eph 2:6). And while “we do not see everything subject to [us],” the truth…
Kingdom Now
Category: General
Tags: Already Not Yet, Kingdom
Topics: Following Jesus
Yesterday, I introduced the tension of living in the “already-not yet” kingdom. (See post here.) There I referred to the fact that we are living between D-Day (the point at which WW2 was won) and…
Are You Really Saved?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Already Not Yet, Bride of Christ, Covenant, Kingdom Living, Marriage, Salvation
Topics: Death and Salvation
When God came to rescue us through the Incarnation, the cross and the resurrection, he did a great deal more than merely provide a way for us to avoid the consequences of our sin. In…
What Happened on the Cross?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Already Not Yet, Atonement, God, God at War, Jesus, Satan
Topics: Atonement and The Cross, Spiritual Warfare, Cosmic Conflict
Since the time of Anselm (11th century), and especially since the Reformation in the 16th century, the tendency of the Western church has been to focus almost all of its attention on the anthropological dimension…
The Warfare We Have Inherited
Category: General
Tags: Already Not Yet, Eschatology, Jesus, Kingdom, Satan, Spiritual Warfare, Warfare Worldview
Topics: Spiritual Warfare, Cosmic Conflict
Image by Chris Sardegna Jesus’ miracles over nature, as well as his healings, exorcisms and especially his resurrection, were definite acts of war that accomplished and demonstrated his victory over Satan. These acts routed demonic forces…

Who is Your Family?
Category: General
Tags: Already Not Yet, Community, Family, India, Justice, Miracles, Poverty
Gates Foundation via Compfight Living in the tension of the already and the not yet is a blog written by Americans living in India who have chosen to live among the poor at their same…