Notre Dame on Fire (Saturday Art Share)
Category: General, Guest Contributor
Tags: Art
While fire overtook Notre Dame in April, people asked many questions. Did terrorists do this? Did God do this? Would the fire spread? Was this the end of an era? Did this represent the end…
Saturday Art Share: The Art of Terri Churchill
Category: Lighten Up
Tags: Art
A review by Dan Kent I’m a big fan of Terri Churchill’s art. There is fire in her light. What gets illuminated was meant to be illuminated. Darkness is always present, but always knows its…
Myth of a Christian Nation: The Musical (Saturday Art Share)
Category: Lighten Up
Tags: Art
This is a song by Showbread, off their album “Who Can Know It” The Lyrics: I’m tired of being filed into classrooms And made to sit in pews Made subject to the tyranny of scriptures…

Old and New
Category: General
Tags: Art, Bible, Old and New Project
Old & New – Round 3 Trailer by Fred Sprinkle. Our good friend Jim LePage is a graphic artist with amazing talent. Some of you are familiar with him via his work for Woodland Hills or…

Do Something Beautiful
Category: General
Tags: Art, Beauty, Christian Living, Richard Beck
Wonderlane via Compfight Richard Beck posted this reflection of the woman who anointed Jesus’ feet with her hair and the idea of a Christian aesthetic. It’s inspiring. From the blog: More and more, I’ve come to…