Book of Revelation
Why Would God Spit Out the Warm and Not the Cold? (podcast)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Book of Revelation, Love and Judgment
Greg argues that both hot water and cold water are good. Episode 529
God, Why You So Harsh in Revelation? (podcast)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Book of Revelation
Verse: Revelation 2
Greg talks about Jezebels and beds of suffering. Episode 512
The Final Battle in Revelation
Category: General
Tags: Book of Revelation, Eschatology, Jesus, Non-Violence, Spiritual Warfare
Topics: Biblical Interpretation, Interpreting Violent Pictures and Troubling Behaviors
I will conclude this series on the violent imagery in Revelation by addressing the infamous eschatological battle scene found in 19:11-21, for it is this graphically violent section of Revelation that is most frequently appealed…
God’s Kind of Holy War
Category: General
Tags: Book of Revelation, Jesus, Lamb of God, Self-Sacrificial Love, Spiritual Warfare
Topics: Biblical Interpretation, Spiritual Warfare, Cosmic Conflict
This is part three of a series on Revelation. You can find part one here and part two here. While there will come a day when the sacrificial victory of the Lamb and of his…
The Key to Understanding Revelation
Category: General
Tags: Book of Revelation, End Times, Jesus, Violence
Topics: Biblical Interpretation
The most important key to interpreting John’s violent imagery is found in the heavenly throne room scene in chapters 4-5. (For the first entry in this series on the violence in Revelation, click here.) This…
Unpacking Revelation: Is it Literal?
Category: General
Tags: Bible Interpretation, Book of Revelation, Jesus, Violence
Topics: Biblical Interpretation, End Times
According to many scholars as well as many Christian laypeople, the Jesus we find in the book of Revelation engages in a great deal of violence. This violence reaches a zenith in chapter 19 where…

Of Revelation and The Lord of the Rings
Category: General
Tags: Book of Revelation, Eschatology, Hope, Left Behind, Lord of the Rings, Robert Martin
As most of you know, Greg has been preaching a sermon series on the book of Revelation. He’s got a very different take on this book than the popular Christian culture that sprouted the Left…

How Revelation Uses Violent Images in an Anti-Violent Way
Category: General
Tags: Book of Revelation, Cruciform Theology, Non-Violence, Violence
All the violent scenes in Revelation are symbols for the battle of truth and deception. They never involve literal violence. In fact, they symbolize ANTI-VIOLENCE. The ingenious way John helps us get free of deception…
Sermons: A Vision of Beauty
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Book of Revelation, End Times, Evolution, Revelation, Sermons
In this short sermon clip, Greg Boyd discusses how God, science, and nature can work together to tell us the story of our universe. In the full sermon, Greg begins the series on Revelation and…

Greg’s Response to Driscoll’s “Is God a Pacifist?” Part II
Category: Essays
Tags: Book of Revelation, Essay, Jesus, Kingdom Living, Lamb of God, Literalism, Mark Driscoll, Non-Violence, Pacifism, Sacrifice, Word of God
Topics: Enemy-Loving Non-Violence, Interpreting Violent Pictures and Troubling Behaviors
Waiting For The Word via Compfight To prove that “Jesus is not a pansy or a pacifist,” Driscoll by-passes the Gospels (understandably, given what Jesus has to say about the use of violence) and instead cites…

Responding to Driscoll’s “Is God a Pacifist?” Part I
Category: Essays
Tags: Bible, Book of Revelation, Essay, Jesus, Love Your Enemies, Mark Driscoll, Non-Violence, Pacifism, Peace, Sixth Commandment
Topics: Enemy-Loving Non-Violence, Interpreting Violent Pictures and Troubling Behaviors
I’m sure many of you have read Mark Driscoll’s recent blog titled “Is God a Pacifist?” in which he argues against Christian pacifism. I’ve decided to address this in a series of three posts, not because I think…

A Guide to the Book of Revelation
Category: General
Tags: Book of Revelation, Kurt Willems, Left Behind, Non-Violence, Rapture, Revelation
Marc Nozell via Compfight Kurt Willems posted this excellent guide for reading the Book of Revelation as it was intended to be read. As Kurt points out, this is the most misunderstood and misinterpreted book…