Counter-Cultural Community
Category: General
Tags: Community, Confession, Counter-Culture, Judgment, Kingdom Living, Love, Relationships
Jessica Lucia via Compfight On Tuesday Greg tweeted, “We inevitably acclimate to our environment. We can’t hope to be counter-cultural unless we’re embedded in a counter-cultural community.” Surely almost all Christian leaders would agree with…
You’re Not a Pacifist Are You?
Category: General
Tags: America, Brian Zahnd, Counter-Culture, Gentleness, Gospels, Jesus, Kingdom Living, Non-Violence, Pacifism, Peace
Jayel Aheram via Compfight Brian Zahnd wrote a great piece the other day on this topic. He contends that when he is asked this question, it often has the same flavor of the question, “You’re…
Is Your Accelerator Stuck?
Category: General
Tags: Christian Life, Counter-Culture, Rest
In this story today from CNN, we see video of a woman who is trapped in a vehicle that is malfunctioning so that it keeps accelerating and cannot stop. It’s hard to imagine the panic…