Podcast: What Causes Personal Transformation?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Covenant, Discipleship, Transformation
In this episode Greg talks about the important role of imagination in our prayer life and in our thought life.
What Does It Mean to Be Married to Christ?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Bride of Christ, Covenant, Jesus, Married to Christ
Topics: Death and Salvation
The New Testament calls Christ the “bridegroom” and the church his “bride.” To understand what this means can change your life. We need to read this through the lens of first century Jewish marriage. In…
Podcast: Dear Greg: What Should I Do If My Husband Wants a Divorce Due To His Desire to Live as a Gay Man?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Covenant, Homosexuality, Marriage
God is a God of broken covenants. Greg considers broken covenants and what to do in the rubble of one.
Incarnation and Covenant
Category: General
Tags: Covenant, Incarnation, Israel
The most distinctive aspect of Jesus’ identity, according to the faith of the historic-orthodox Church, is that Jesus is fully God and fully human—“God Incarnate,” to use the Church’s creedal phraseology. To accurately reflect on…
God as Covenant Keeper
Category: General
Tags: Covenant, Salvation, Trinity
Topics: Attributes and Character
Covenant lies at the heart of the biblical understand of God’s relationship to the world. Simply put, a covenant stands in contrast to a contract where parties enter into a quid pro quo arrangement. With…
Podcast: Defending the Manifesto (8 of 10 )
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Covenant, Penal Substitution View of Atonement, Salvation
Greg responds to challenges by William Lane Craig from Craig’s podcast “Reasonable Faith.“ Greg discusses salvation, specifically whether Paul understands salvation in primarily legal terms versus covenantal terms.
Faith or Magic?
Category: General
Tags: Covenant, Doubt, Faith, healing, Homosexuality, Magic, Salvation, Sin
Many Christians today treat faith like magic. While the content of what Christians believe is obviously different from pagan practitioners of magic, the way they believe and the motive they have for believing, seems to…
God’s “Ways” and “Thoughts” are Higher
Category: General
Tags: Covenant, God, Israel, Nationalism, Transcendence
Topics: God
Verse: Isaiah 55
Isaiah 55:8-9 is one of the more often quoted passages in the Bible. It reads: … my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways … As the heavens are higher…
The Bible is Infallible NOT Inerrant
Category: General
Tags: Bible, Bible Interpretation, Covenant, Cruciform Theology, Faith, Inerrancy, Infallibility
Topics: Biblical Interpretation
While the cruciform understanding (explained here) of the “God-breathed” nature of Scripture is in tension with the way most talk about inerrancy (See previous post on inerrancy), I do not believe it is at all incompatible with what…
Paul Was Not Writing about Personal Salvation: Romans 9, Part 2
Category: General
Tags: Covenant, Determinism, Election, Israel, Romans 9, Salvation
Topics: Providence, Predestination and Free Will
Verse: Romans 9
In yesterday’s post, I summarized the deterministic interpretation of Romans 9 and offered the first argument against it. In this post I offer the second and third of six arguments that reveal that there is something…
Are You Really Saved?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Already Not Yet, Bride of Christ, Covenant, Kingdom Living, Marriage, Salvation
Topics: Death and Salvation
When God came to rescue us through the Incarnation, the cross and the resurrection, he did a great deal more than merely provide a way for us to avoid the consequences of our sin. In…

Do You Have Enough Faith?
Category: General
Tags: Benefit of the Doubt, Covenant, Doubt, Faith
What does it actually mean to have faith? This is a topic I address at length in Benefit of the Doubt, but this post provides a very basic answer to this question. To appropriately understand…