
Close Encounters of the Third (Kingdom) Kind: A Reflection on the Missio Alliance Conference
Category: General
Tags: Anabaptists, Fellowship, Jesus, Kingdom, Mennonerds, Missio Alliance, Viva la Revolution!
What an incredible gathering we had last week! It was invigorating, informative and fun! What stands out most to me was the family-feel of the conference. Like most of you, I have usually felt a…

Reflecting on the Conference and Cynicism
Category: General
Tags: Benefit of the Doubt, Connecting, Cynicism, David Flowers, Doubt, Doubt and the Idol of Certainty, Faith, Fellowship, Hope, Truth, Viva la Revolution!
We had such a great time this weekend at the Faith, Doubt & the Idol of Certainty conference. People came from all over the United States and it was good to get a chance to…

Dallas Willard on Doubt and Belief
Category: General
Tags: Belief, Dallas Willard, Doubt, Fellowship
http://youtu.be/xiOIyP4VHOk One of our Facebook friends pointed out this video to us (Thanks Lukasz!) The comments in this interview on the benefits of fellowship when it comes to doubt and belief are excellent. We’re really…

Leaders in the Revolution: An Invitation
Category: General
Tags: Church, Connecting, Fellowship, Greg Boyd, Kingdom Revolution, Leaders, Mark Moore, Viva la Revolution!
Kevin Dooley via Compfight Network Exploration Meeting There is a growing movement of pastors, church planters, and churches around the globe who have become convinced that the center of the Gospel is a Jesus-looking God…