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Dallas Willard on Doubt and Belief


One of our Facebook friends pointed out this video to us (Thanks Lukasz!) The comments in this interview on the benefits of fellowship when it comes to doubt and belief are excellent. We’re really going to miss Dallas.

Related Reading

What Causes You Doubt?

In this first episode of the Apologies and Explanations Podcast, Greg shares some of his own experiences with doubt and talks about how doubt has ultimately made his faith stronger. Links: Greg’s book: “Benefit of the Doubt” Website: ReKnew.org http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0001.mp3


Why Christ, not Scripture, is Our Ultimate Foundation

In a previous blog I argued that all our theological reflection must not only be Christ-centered, it must, most specifically, be cross-centered. I now want to begin to unpack some of the most important implications of adopting a cross-centered theological perspective. My ultimate goal is to show how a cross-centered theology is able to resolve the…

Podcast: Defending the Manifesto (3 of 10)

Greg responds to challenges by William Lane Craig from Craig’s podcast “Reasonable Faith.“ In this episode Greg discusses getting life from Christ and not from “being right” about Christ. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0058.mp3

Gungor and Doubt

Gungor is working through the issue of doubt on their new album. (Thanks Orlando for the heads-up.) We’re busily getting ready for the Faith, Doubt & the Idol of Certainty conference tomorrow. It’s not too late to join us. Hope to see you there.

Why Bart Ehrman Doesn’t Have to Ruin Your Christmas (Or Your Faith) Part 8

This is the eighth of several videos Greg put together to refute Bart Ehrman’s claims published in the article What Do We Really Know About Jesus? In this segment, Greg gets into the nitty gritty of why portions of the birth account are not the dumbest lie ever. If you missed the first seven installments you can…

The Evangelical Mind

Peter via Compfight As a follow-up to Rachel Held Evans’ thoughts yesterday on the Scandal of the Evangelical Heart, we thought we would post this reflection by Peter Enns about the Deeper Scandal of the Evangelical Mind. He claims that in the current environment when professors and pastors are constrained by the consequences of asking…