Why Your Imagination Matters
Category: General
Tags: Imagination, Imaginative Prayer, Transformation
The flesh, which we discussed in this post earlier this week, is shaped by Satan’s web of deception that deeply infects our imaginations. This is why it has such power to move us to perform…
Podcast: Is Using the Imagination Spiritually Dangerous?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Cataphatic Prayer, Imagination, Imaginative Prayer
Greg talks about cataphatic prayer and the role of the imagination.
The Image That Transforms
Category: General
Tags: Imagination, Prayer, Transformation
With the Advent of Jesus, we see the icon of God, the One in whom the otherwise invisible God is seen. The word icon comes from the Greek word for “image” (eikon). While it is…
Loving the Unlovable
Category: General
Tags: Imagination, Love, Prayer
Mother Teresa had a prayer she spoke each day that enabled her to minister effectively: Dearest Lord, may I see you today and every day in the person of your sick, and whilst nursing them,…
Practicing Faith
Category: General
Tags: Faith, Imagination, Prayer
Faith is the substantiating of things hoped for and the conviction of things not yet seen, based on Hebrews 11:1 as I explained in this post. Practically speaking, this means that you become aware of…
Greg’s Review of Changing Your Mind by Victor Copan
Category: General
Tags: Book Reviews, Discipleship, Imagination
Several months ago Victor Copan introduced himself to me at the end of a Woodland Hills Church service. He told me about his recently published book, Changing Your Mind. “I know you’re into spiritual disciplines…
A Brief Theology of Hearing God
Category: General
Tags: Hearing God, Imagination, Prayer
Topics: Hearing God, Prayer
It is sometimes assumed by modern readers that when believers in the Bible heard a message or saw a vision while praying, it was something people perceived with their physical eyes and heard with their…
Theology and Imagination
Category: General
Tags: Imagination, Prayer, Theology
The human brain is by far the most amazing, complex, and mysterious aspect of the physical world. Our brains continually interpret our world, and the way we interpret it is mostly determined by the way…
How to be Transformed
Category: General
Tags: Cataphatic Prayer, Imagination, Imaginative Prayer, Prayer, Rest, Transformation
We are transformed as we gaze upon the beauty and glory of God. Paul put it this way, “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image…
How the Holy Spirit Changes Us
Category: General
Tags: Imagination, Imaginative Prayer, Seeing is Believing, The Holy Spirit
The Bible is full of stories of people who experienced the presence of God. If we are to experience something similar today, we must, through the Spirit, cultivate the spiritual capacity of an inner life…
A Book That Won’t Leave You Unchanged
Category: General
Tags: Books, Frank Viola, Imagination, Jesus, Mary DeMuth, The Day I Met Jesus
St. Ignatius of Loyola, the 16th century founder of the Jesuits, taught that to experience the transforming power of Scripture, we need to read it “with all five senses,” using our imagination to get on…

Why Can’t I Feel God?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Cataphatic Prayer, Experiencing God, Experiencing Jesus, Imagination, Imaginative Prayer, Prayer
Topics: Hearing God, Prayer
Question: Greg, you’re always talking about how we need to keep our eyes fixed on the cross to see and experience God’s love for us. But I find myself arguing with God, asking him: “How…

Friday Bonus: It’s All Your Imagination
Category: General
Tags: Cataphatic Prayer, Imagination, Prayer, Sermons, Woodland Hills Church
This is a sermon clip from Greg’s preaching a couple of weeks ago. He testifies about answered prayer and also details the important role of the imagination in prayer. This sermon is based on Greg’s…
When Our Images of God are Faulty
Category: General
Tags: Adam and Eve, Imagination, Picture of God, ReKnew
I’m fleshing out the third proclamation of the ReKnew Manifesto, which challenges us to rethink our conception of God. In the previous post I noted that, since our relationship with God is mediated through our…
Who’s the God in Your Head?
Category: General
Tags: God, Imagination, ReKnew
The mission of ReKnew is to encourage Christians and non-Christians to rethink through things they previously thought they knew. The nine proclamations of the ReKnew Manifesto reflect nine aspects of traditional Christianity, and especially Evangelical…