ISIS, Islam & Jesus
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Bruxy Cavey, ISIS, Islam, Non-Violence, Redemption, Violence
Topics: Following Jesus Our friend Bruxy taught a series at The Meeting House titled ISIS, Islam & Jesus that we wanted to share with you. This is episode one, and you can find the whole series by clicking…
Thank You Obama for Denouncing “Christian” Violence: It is Actually Far Worse Than ISIS
Category: General
Tags: Crusades, ISIS, Non-Violence, Obama, The Inquisition, Violence
Picture Credit: Official White House Photo by Pete Souza It seems some conservative Christians are up in arms because of something Obama said at the National Prayer Breakfast yesterday. After condemning ISIS and religiously-motivated violence…

Blessing the Soldiers of ISIS
Category: General
Tags: Augustine, Enemy Love, Holy War, ISIS, Love Your Enemies, Non-Violence
In light of the overwhelming response to Greg’s post about loving the soldiers of ISIS, we thought we would explore Jesus’ teaching on this topic further. The following is an excerpt from Myth of a…

How Are We To Love the Soldiers of ISIS?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Enemy Love, ISIS, Jesus, Kingdom Living, Love Your Enemies, Non-Violence, Sacrifice
Topics: Enemy-Loving Non-Violence, Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Over the last several weeks I’ve received some form of this question almost every day. In some cases the question is asked rhetorically, as though the very question exposes the absurdity of suggesting we are…

Loving Enemies in the Day of ISIS
Category: General
Tags: Enemy Love, ISIS, Kingdom Living, Love, Love Your Enemies, Myth of a Christian Religion, Persecution
The following excerpt from Myth of a Christian Religion discusses Jesus’ command to “turn the other cheek.” Whatever our response to the persecution of Christians in the world, we must take this passage seriously. While…