Movie Review
Podcast: How Can I Protect My Kids from the Violence in Media?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Media, Movie Review, Violence
Greg looks at ways to help strengthen non-violence in children in a world saturated in violence.
Podcast: What Did You Think of the Movie The Shack?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Movie Review
Greg talks about what he loved about the movie “The Shack,” and considers Christian criticism of the movie’s theology.
Must the Different Suffer? A Review of “The Imitation Game”
Category: General
Tags: Alan Turing, Love One Another, Movie Review, The Imitation Game
The Imitation Game didn’t strike me as the kind of movie that would capture a large audience. So I was surprised to find that, even though the movie opened weeks ago, every showing on the…

Things I liked and things that bugged me about “Noah”
Category: General
Tags: Flood, Movie Review, Nephilim, Noah, Violence
I finally had a chance to go see Noah the other night and thought some might find a review helpful. Since this is a review of a movie and not a commentary on the biblical text,…

Gravity: You Don’t Know What You’ve Got Until It’s Gone
Category: General
Tags: God, Movie Review
I had read a number of reviews about the movie “Gravity,” so when Shelley and I decided to enjoy a mid-week date night at the movies, I entered the theater with some pretty high expectations….

Review: “The Butler”
Category: General
Tags: Movie Review, Racism, The Butler
For all the same reasons that some couldn’t set their politics aside to celebrate what the election of Obama meant for African Americans, I’m quite sure that some won’t be able to set their politics…