Presence of God
How Do I Feel God’s Presence Throughout the Day? (podcast)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: God's Presence, Practicing the Presence of God, Presence of God
Igor only feels God’s presence when he is reading the Bible. Greg offers some ideas to carry that experience out into his day. Episode 509
Wake Up to God’s Presence
Category: General
Tags: Being Present, God's Presence, Practicing the Presence of God, Presence of God, Present Perfect
Jesus taught us to “remain” in him. We read this in John 15:4-5: Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine….
Podcast: How Do I Feel God’s Presence More?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: God's Presence, Presence of God, Present Perfect
Greg examines the narratives in our heads, and the neurology in our brains, to help Dan and Julie feel God’s presence more. photo: Martin Mutch Source: Here

A Godless Congregation
Category: General
Tags: Atheism, Presence of God, Tim Nash
Tim Nash and his wife, Hannah, live in Nottingham, England, and are church planters for the Methodist Church. They started a Jesus-centered community called Garden-City, which is becoming a wonderful spiritual family for young followers of Jesus and…