Kingdom Reconciliation is Not About Politics (But it is Political)
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Kingdom of God, Politics, Racial Reconciliation, Revolt
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
In the broader culture, the social and political discussions about racial reconciliation are usually focused on people’s rights and privileges as a means of making the world a fairer place. The criteria such efforts at…

Revolting Against the Cosmic Hitler
Category: General
Tags: Hitler, Kingdom, Kingdom Living, Nazi, Revolt
Greg returned last week from Europe where he was able to visit some Nazi death camps. In the following, he reflects on a story of a German teenager who actively resisted the Nazi agenda…

Resignation to Evil: Not an Option
Category: General
Tags: Calvinism, Determinism, Evil, Kingdom Revolution, Revolt, Warfare Worldview
One lucky guy via Compfight While few Christians would deny that Satan is in some sense the ruler of this world, since it’s so clearly taught in the New Testament, many nevertheless insist that everything…