Spiritual Formation
A FREE Resource on Spiritual Formation
Category: General
Tags: Spiritual Formation, Woodland Hills Church
Topics: Following Jesus
Last week, we began a 6-week series at Woodland Hills Church entitled Formed: The Shaping of a Life. The first sermon by Greg can be watched here. As a part of this series, the church has…
Burnout and Rest
Category: General
Tags: Benjamin L. Corey, Rest, Spiritual Care, Spiritual Formation
Topics: Following Jesus
Benjamin L. Corey posted consecutive blogs recently listing 5 reasons so many Christians are feeling burned out right now and 5 things you need to take a break from to avoid spiritual burnout. Lots of wisdom…
Supported by God
Category: General
Tags: God's Love, Practicing the Presence of God, Prayer, Present Perfect, Spiritual Formation
Topics: Following Jesus
Here’s an exercise that has helped me experience God’s closeness and helped me feel “at home” regardless of my circumstances. It involves using the incredible gift of your physical body to help you remember God’s…

Listening to Music, and Some New Developments
Category: General
Tags: Christian Life, Greg Boyd, Music, Spiritual Formation
Over the last four months, I’ve spent one to two hours a day listening to music. I’ve obviously had to cut back on my writing/reading, but I feel like I’m supposed to do this, at…
I believe Christianity is true, but how do I feel it?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Christian Life, Spiritual Formation
Topics: Hearing God, Prayer
READER: Reading your Letters From a Skeptic recently helped me conclude that Jesus really is Lord and that he died for me, so I decided to become his follower. But for some reason I don’t…