Can a Christian Participate in Assisted Suicide? (podcast)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Suicide
Greg talks compassion and quality of life. Episode 513
Podcast: I’m Suicidal. Should I Keep Leading My Church?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Depression, Leaders, Leadership, Suicide
Greg and Dan talk about depression and suicide in Christian leaders.
Podcast: Dear Greg: My Friend Committed Suicide. Should I Pray for Her Soul?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Death, Depression, Prayer, purgatory, Suicide
When does our story end? Greg talks about suicide and praying for the dead.

Our Lives Matter
Category: General
Tags: Robin Williams, Suicide
In the immediate aftermath of the death of Robin Williams yesterday, Eugene Cho wrote a tender piece entitled Remember that our lives matter. Remember to be more human – to loved ones, neighbors, and strangers…

On Mental Illness and Jumping from a Burning Building
Category: General
Tags: Ann Voskamp, Compassion, Love, Matthew Warren, Rick Warren, Suffering, Suicide
seyed mostafa zamani via Compfight Ann Voskamp wrote this piece in the wake of the suicide of Rick Warren’s son. It’s disheartening to hear so many thoughtless and cruel comments by other Christians when tragedies…