Podcast: I’m Suicidal. Should I Keep Leading My Church?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Depression, Leaders, Leadership, Suicide
Greg and Dan talk about depression and suicide in Christian leaders.
Podcast: Dear Greg: My Friend Committed Suicide. Should I Pray for Her Soul?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Death, Depression, Prayer, purgatory, Suicide
When does our story end? Greg talks about suicide and praying for the dead.
Joy in the Midst of Struggle
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Depression, Hope, Joy
God wants you to experience his joy. But to do this, it is helpful to understand the difference between happiness that varies with external circumstances and joy which does not depend upon whether you are…

Depression and Willpower
Category: General
Tags: Depression, Escaping the Matrix, Judgment, Mental Illness, Robin Williams
In Greg’s book Escaping the Matrix, he and his co-author discuss the topic of depression. Having experienced first hand the effects of depression, we, the editors at ReKnew, recognize that this short post cannot address…