Mental Illness
Do You Know of Patients Who Have Benefitted from a Spiritual Warfare Worldview? (podcast)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Mental Illness, Spiritual Warfare
Greg and Dan talk about spiritual warfare and mental illness. Episode 591
Faith and Mental Illness
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Faith, Mental Illness
Greg talks about mental illness.
When to Do Spiritual Warfare
Category: General
Tags: Demonization, Demons, Mental Illness, Prayer, Spiritual Warfare
Topics: Spiritual Warfare, Cosmic Conflict
If the world is engulfed in spiritual warfare, how do we know when we’re confronting a demon that requires deliverance prayer, or simply confronting a “natural” by-product of the fallen world that requires medical or…

Faith, Healing & Modern Medicine
Category: General
Tags: healing, Kingdom, Mental Illness
On Monday, we offered a post related to the struggles of Robin Williams that referred to how chemical imbalance can cause depression and how those who struggle have this condition should seek medical help. However,…

Depression and Willpower
Category: General
Tags: Depression, Escaping the Matrix, Judgment, Mental Illness, Robin Williams
In Greg’s book Escaping the Matrix, he and his co-author discuss the topic of depression. Having experienced first hand the effects of depression, we, the editors at ReKnew, recognize that this short post cannot address…