Wrestling with God
Do You Argue With God?
Category: General
Tags: Benefit of the Doubt, Doubt, Faith, Wrestling with God
Topics: Apologetics
Image by michael_swan via Flickr In sharp contrast to many today who seek the comfortable feeling of certainty as a way of feeling at peace with God, biblical heroes are better known for their willingness to be…

Is There Room for Doubt in Faith?
Category: General
Tags: Benefit of the Doubt, Doubt, Faith, Jacob, Q&A, Wrestling with God
Topics: Faith & Doubt
Many Christians today assume that faith is the antithesis of doubt. In this view, a person’s faith is thought to be strong to the extent that they don’t question their beliefs or struggle with God…

Writer? Passionate about ReKnew? Read This!
Category: General
Tags: Complexity, Wrestling with God
It’s a value here at ReKnew that we don’t become a place where you only hear from Greg Boyd. We deeply believe that a Kingdom revolution is brewing in the world, and we want to…