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Finding Grace
I did not begin a relationship with Jesus until I was 40. It is obvious now that He was always waiting, but it took the persistent, loving witness of a coworker during a time of deep, personal turmoil (of which she had no idea) to finally bring me to my knees.
I live in a rural environment in the middle of the Bible Belt, so naturally, the church I was in for the first three plus years was strictly fundamentalist. Grace was very sparingly doled out because of the suspicion and superstition that if grace was viewed as “cheap” we would all just sin ourselves straight to hell! I studied God’s Word enough to know that what I was hearing didn’t line up with His abundant love as shown on Calvary.
I started to seek the truth for myself and I found ReKnew. Thank You God for leading me. Thank you Greg Boyd and ReKnew team for your faithful witness as to what Jesus followers should look like and what seeking God’s Kingdom is really about. Thank you for the awesome books Greg Boyd. “Letters from a Skeptic” is heartening and helpful for those of us with non-believers in our midst. “Present Perfect” is positively Life changing! After I have thoroughly absorbed that, I will move on to “Escaping the Matrix”. “The Cosmic Dance” is just plain cool and I will be sharing it as a conversation starter with some of my secular peeps that think science and God are at odds.
When it came to looking for a church last December, I prayed that I would find one locally that more closely resembled Woodland Hills. The Lord did not tarry – got it first try! It is an awesome group of people that believe the Kingdom is exemplified by grace. We are part of the exciting movement of Jesus followers happening now.
The trial in my personal life that first pushed me into the arms of my waiting Savior has not changed much, but I have. In Him I live and move and have my being. I seek His Kingdom first and strive to fully realize my unsurpassable worth and ascribe that same worth to others. Keep up the Kingdom work and know that you are making a difference!
Much love and many blessings!