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Insight into walking in the Spirit
Repenting of Religion was the source of my ‘insight’ into how to consistently ‘walk in the Spirit.’ I am 77 years old, graduate of Moody Bible Institute, served in every office (except pastor) in evangelical churches, and yet no one ever warned me not to judge.
I am bright (I have a Ph.D. to prove it) but that was of no help and my Christian life has mostly been a failure in spite of my best efforts to ‘keep the commandments’ and ‘try harder!’
I now ‘see’ the horror of judging others and myself. Unfortunately, I was smart enough to always find something about which I could find fault and that needed to be changed. No wonder I remained empty.
When I first experienced through intuition the filling of the Spirit (no not some estactic feeling but rather a quiet “yes, I love you” deep within my mind) I was shocked, surprised, and filled with gratitude. It IS possible to walk in the Spirit. I am doing it much better now than 2 weeks ago. My emptiness is almost gone, and I am able to love and appreciate those around me now whereas before I was inwardly criticism them and judging them.
Oh yes, I have read all of your books and have grown more spiritually in the last few months than in all my 56 years of reading and ‘trying’ to be a Christian. Your insights are profound.
Incidently, it was not until my second reading of REPENTING OF RELIGION that I finally “got” it and stopped eating of the Tree of the Knowldedge of Good and Evil.
Thank you for sharing your life with us and writing it in words that we can understand. I look forward to visiting with you in Heaven and maybe working with you at some project of mutual interest at that time. I look forward to seeing you there and later here on the new earth! What joy that will be!
I’ll keep an eye out for your arrival!
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